Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Switzerland is getting ready for war

One of the informations that I've kept in my memory from the history classes is that Switzerland has always been a neutral country in times of war. That's one of the explanations for seeing wealthy people choose to invest their savings in the Swiss banks. Anyway, we're not going to talk about banks of finance today because we've already had too much of this topic in the last weeks. What we're going to discuss today is Switzerland's military politics.

Just as the title said, Switzerland is getting ready for war. "How come, when and with whom?" you might ask. Guess what, this is what I'm wondering, too. I've been living in Switzerland for a year now and one of the things which really stoke me when I got here is the emphasis they put on their military forces. Should you find yourself in the train station on Fridays evenings, you will be able to admire numerous young men dressed in military uniforms. What is more, for all the ones who pursue a military training, there a special places reserved at the university.

However, it's not only soldiers that you can see walking around all over Switzerland. If you choose to travel by car, you'll have a high chance to see some of their military transportation vehicles driving in rows.

But Swiss are still not happy enough with their military equipment, so they are deciding today in the Parliament the exact amount of money that they spend for buying new equipment.
What do they want to buy?
We're talking here about 220 transportation vehicles and the upgrading of 33 of their existing F/A18 combat planes. For all this, they've reserved 917 Mio. Francs from the budget.

All being said, it's no wonder that they make me think of war. But again, probably it's just me who finds this a bit odd, as Swiss people are already used to it and the ones who are not "lucky enough" to be accepted to llive in Switzerland, they don't really see what's happening.

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