Thursday, September 11, 2008

Laws with special dedication

Dear all,

While scanning the newspapers today, I discovered an article about how the EU suits Germany for the "VW Law". If you haven't heard of it, the German state released a law which states that 80% of VW shareholders must agree to an acquisition, otherwise it won't happen. And guess what? This makes it practically impossible for VW to ever be taken over as the German Land Lower Saxony controls 20,1% of the shares.

What do you say about this? Apparently it's not only in Romania that the legislators make laws "with special dedication". In fact, it happens in older EU countries, too. So, should we (Romanian citizens) feel relief because it can happen anywhere in the EU?...

Not really. Now that we're in the EU doesn't imply that we should "import" all the customs of the legislators from older EU member countries. What we should do is to keep the straight way and stay "in the light of sincerity". Is that realistic to ask? Not really. However, we can ask from our legislators to think of the benefit of the larger society when they release a law.

Here is the link to the article:
EU suits Germany for the VW Law

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