Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Some ideas for a green area in Reghin

Dear all,

This idea came to my mind today while I was jogging on the meadow close to my house. During jogging, I haven't met anybody on the entire meadow, although it is huge. This made me wonder why the inhabitants of my town don't use the meadow and the forests located so close to their houses. And on that second, I had a flashback and I remembered jogging last year in a park in D.C. There are so many similarities between that area in Washington D.C. and the one in my town that it would be a pity not to apply the best ideas from somewhere else if they fit so well.
Here are some pictures of how the area looks like now:

Let me explain to you my idea more thoughtfully. I don't intend to build anything, or cut trees or destroy in any way the green space. What I have in mind is to bring at different "stations" on this meadow wooden sport "installations". How do these look like? Check out the pictures below:

I want to target two kinds of people:
- the ones who are very active and do sports several times a week, but mostly indoor sport. This could complement their sport activity in a healthy, fresh air outdoors.
- the ones who are not sporty, but who like walking in the woods and on the meadows. They will choose this track as it will become more popular and can also get a glimpse of their more active fellows.

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