Sunday, March 1, 2009

Celebrating spring...among others

Today I celebrate two important events:

The first one is the beginning of spring, which is celebrated in my country, Romania, with flowers and certain pin-ons which are given as a gift from men to women, from children to moms and to the teachers, as well as among pupils. It's meaning is briefly explained below:

The second celebration is that today is one year since I started writing on this blog. Be it in times of economic growth, crisis and depression, I tried to capture and present what I passionately care about besides my daily professional life. Apart from being a "catching up" platforms with my friends from all over the world, it is meant to reflect the changes in my interests, a certain "how I was vs. now" kind of thing. As such, even if this blog is not as interactive as was initially aimed to be, I still find it very valuable as a storyboard of my globetrotting. I thank to my friends who take the time to read my pages from every now and then and I am happy that we can stay in touch through this, although I would prefer to meet you all in person again.

Enjoy reading and have a great spring!

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