Saturday, August 30, 2008

Les Poupées Russes

Life allows you to get across a bunch of people, some of which you hardly get to know and few others whom you get to know better and with whom you keep in touch. In the search for "the other half", how do you know that you've found it? And more, is there really only "one other half", or does one have more chances to meet the right person to spend your life with?

From a movie that I've watched recently, one idea is still in my mind. The main character saw this process of looking for the other half as the process of discovering the Russian Dolls. In other words, you get to know people who fit you more or less until you find the "last doll" or "the other half". Two questions arise from this:

1. does one absolutely need to go through the entire process and get hurt so many times in order to finally meet the right one?
2. is it possible that you get across the last doll right from the beginning? and what happens if you miss the opportunity to recognize that he/she is you other half? does one have more than one halves?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Beheaded Rooster/ Cocosul decapitat

Dear all,

As recommended, I watched the movie "The Beheaded Rooster" and I would like to share my impressions on it with you. For the ones who haven't seen it yet, it is a Romanian movie whose action takes place in Transylvania between 1940-1944. It is mainly about the changes in the daily life of the multicultural town of Fagaras during this timeframe.

Fagaras was at that time inhabited besides Romanians, by Germans, Hungarians, Jews and Rroma minorities. The co-vival among cultures is disrupted by the Second World War and the population who adopted the Nazi theory of disregarding Jews and Rroma. The movie follows the friendship among a four main characters (Felix Goldschmidt, Gisela Glückselig, Alfa Siegrid Binder and Hans Adolf Bediner).

Felix Goldschmidt is the son of a middle class German family who immigrated to Fagaras 800 years ago. The plot shows the changes in attitude that Felix lives through (from being neutral to embracing the Nazi dogma and then fighting against it).
Gisela Glückselig is the daugther of a Jewish family who owns the cinema in Fagaras. The movie shows the oppression and exclusion that this family has been through between 1940-1944 and the stains left in each person's inner self.
Alfa Siegrid Binder has royal roots and this high social position gives her authority and secures her respect in the town.
Hans Adolf is the son of a low class family. His father works for the Felix's and Alfa Siegrid's families. This character shows how the Nazi ideology makes its way into a young man's head and leads him towards irational actions and turns him against his friends from childhood.

After having summarized the movie, it's time to make a short comment about it and analyze 3 aspects:
1) Quality of images - the captured landscape is beautiful. Besides this, the director captures typical Transylvanian scenery and shows the complexity and the several offers for spending the spare time that a small town in Transylvania offerred. This is a good comparison with the situation today, showing the decadence that the town has been through during this time. For this the movie gets my highest mark.
2) Quality of the scenery - the movie is not tight well and the action does not always flow smoothly. Therefore, I give it only a passing mark here.
3) Description of characters - the characters have been thoroughly described looking at different aspect (gender, social status, inner development). For this, the movie gets a good mark.

Overall, I would recommend to watch the movie not only for its landscape if you are interested in visiting Transylvania, but also if you are passioned about history and want to learn how a small town in Romania perceived the Second World War.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hopes for a better end of the year

Dear all,

In order to progress in life in general, it is necessary to look back at what happened the past semester (spring semester). It is the right time to do this, as I am right before the kick-off of a new semester.
So, let's see what has gone well and what can be improved.

On the studying side, the last semester has brought up an improvement not only in the grades, which should reflect the outcome of my efforts, but also on what I have learned about how things work at the University of St Gallen and in terms of improved team work.

Starting from this spring, I have begun to prepare myself for the consulting interviews, which are known to be very tough and require lot of preparation time and not the last, a lot of luck. The results until now are somehow mixed, which calls for a careful review of what I want and what I am able to do. What is the best strategy: to grab what it is offered at a point in time, which is good, but not the "best in the class" from my perspective or to be persistent and aim for your dream job even if you encounter failures? This is a question that I don't now the answer to.

On the personal side things haven't gone very well, which involuntarily affects my performance in the other two areas. From initially having chosen the career at the expense of my private life, I feel the need to reconsider whether this really brings the best performance and whether it's worth the effort. Although things that have already happened cannot be changed anymore, I still have the chance to make a change in the future.

I leave you with the optimism for a better end of the year.